
Easy Home Ballet Workout

Try this mini BalletBeFit Barre workout from Rachel, using the back of a sturdy high-backed chair for support. Complete one set of the recommended number of reps for each move, moving from one to the next with little rest in between. Repeat the full circuit one, two or three times in total. Perform this routine three times a week, and along with simple lifestyle changes such as diet and hydration you’ll be sporting the ‘dancer’ look in a month!

  • Targets your thighs, glutes, calf, abs and ankles

    1. Face the chair with your feet in first position (heels together, toes slightly turned out at about 45 degrees), your legs straight and your hands on the back of the chair.
    2. Keeping the spine long and abs tight, rise up onto your toes.
    3. Plié/squat by bending your knees out over your toes (lowering only halfway down).
    4. Straighten your legs and squeeze your inner thighs together as you extend upwards and then lower your heels. This is one rep. Repeat 20 times.

  • Targets your thighs, glutes, calf, abs and ankles

    1. Begin standing, facing the chair with your feet together and your hands resting on the chair.
    2. Rise up on to your toes and bend your knees into a deep plié/squat. Squeeze your inner thighs together and keep the knees together.
    3. Lift up halfway (with your knees remaining bent), and then return to the deep plié/squat position. This is one rep. Repeat 20 times in total.

  • Targets your glutes, abs, calf and ankles

    1. Begin standing, facing the chair with your feet in first position,your legs straight and your hands on the back of the chair.
    2. Rise up onto your toes, keeping your legs straight, to a slow count of four.
    3. Slowly lower your heels, keeping your legs straight and think of extending and keeping tall, to a count of four. This is one rep. Repeat 20 times in total

  • Targets your glutes, hamstrings and abs

    1. Begin standing, facing the chair with your feet parallel and hip-distance apart and your hands resting on the back of the chair.
    2. Bending your knees slightly, hinge forward from the hips so that your torso is parallel to the ground.
    3. Raise your right leg as high as is comfortable behind you (no higher than hip height). Lower and lift your leg one inch from this position. This is one rep.
    4. Repeat 60 times in total (vary the speed from medium to fast). Recover and repeat on other leg.

  • h5>Targets your hip flexors, quads, and abs

    1. Begin standing sideways to the chair with your feet in first position. Keep your legs straight, rest one hand on the chair and put the other arm down at your side.
    2. Slide your outside foot out to the front, lifting the heel and pointing your toes. Lift the leg 45 degrees high. Lower and lift your leg, tapping the floor with your toe.
    3. Repeat 60 times in total (vary the speed from medium to fast). Recover and repeat on other leg.

Health & Wellbeing