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2021 Wellness Edit

What's Inside?

  • Adobe point the same as christmas guide
  • Make your new year health a priority with these wellbeing buys
  • From delicious drinks to fitness finds we have found the products to make your health a priority in 2021


What's Inside?

  • This download is best viewed in Adobe Acrobat Reader so you can shop directly
  • Make this Christmas a special one with 50+ inspiring ideas
  • Wellness guides to keep you happy and healthy over the festivities

25 ways to live healthy on a budget

What's Inside?

  • Learn to live waste-free
  • Cut down on your food shop spending and save money
  • Make the most out of the everyday ingredients in your cupboard

6 simple ways to feel better about your body

What's Inside?

  • How to curate your social media feed
  • Why you need to let go of the idea of the ‘perfect body’
  • The top myths surrounding women’s bodies

What happens when I walk everyday

What's Inside?

  • How walking can transform your mental health
  • Why racking up the steps can help you sleep better
  • The amount of walking you need to do each day to see real health benefits

4 reasons you’re finding it difficult to lose weight as you age

What's Inside?

  • How our hormones hinder weight loss
  • Why our lifestyle changes as we get older and how this impacts our weight
  • How to feel good about your changing body

7 ways to break your bad habits

What's Inside?

  • How to ringfence in self-care sessions for yourself
  • Find out the benefits of screen down-time and how to ditch your phone
  • Can decluttering really help you feel good? Why a clean room can be key to boosting your mood

How to move more as family

What's Inside?

  • Find out how you can get the kids motivated to get moving
  • Why setting a good example with exercise could be the best thing you do for your children’s health
  • How an exercise challenge could be just what you need to get the whole family enthused and up on their feet

Why you should take care of your feet

What's Inside?

  • Find out why footcare is important to your overall health
  • Our top tips for healthy, functional feet
  • Why stretching is key for your lower body

A note from the editor

When the world feels chaotic and out of our control, we can often cling to routine, comfort and safety and we neglect our joy until whatever challenge we’re facing is over – but what if we stepped outside of our comfort zone and into our joy? Could this be where the magic happens? Just like the new buds of spring, now is your time to bloom, step outside and get active. Discover how to Skechers can help you to embrace change and truly flourish.

10 ways exercise boosts your mood

What's Inside?

  • Explore the miraculous benefits that exercise has on your happiness
  • Find out how moving everyday can make you more creative
  • Why low-intensity exercise is key to relaxation

15 ways to stay motivated to meet your goals

What's Inside?

  • Why goal measuring is vital to success
  • Find out how to figure out your ‘why’ reason
  • The top apps that can help you boost your motivation

How to spend your money smartly

What's Inside?

  • Tips for setting a smart-budget
  • Why planning for the future is so important
  • The saves you could make by switching everyday spends