Watch Dumbbell Preacher Curl
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Step 1. Sit at the preacher bench with your feet flat on the floor. Place your chest on the upper part of the pad and keep your back straight.
Step 2. Lean over and place your upper arm and elbow on the pad. Put your free hand on the top of the pad for support.
Step 3. Keeping your upper arm in place, bend at the elbow and curl the weight as high as you can, squeezing the muscle at the top of the motion.
Step 4. Lower the weight back down until your arm is straight. Do all of your repetitions with one arm then switch to the other arm.
The dumbbell preacher curl is an integral bicep exercise. The primary purpose of this exercise is to add size and shape to the lower end of the bicep muscle, around the elbow. However, the whole bicep is worked during the exercise and it can be used for overall bicep development. This is achieved by making sure that the exercise is performed with a full range of motion and squeezing at the top. This exercise is also beneficial to those with low back or shoulder problems. The seated position helps remove pressure from the low back and the bracing of the elbows against the pad prevents sway of the arms. In addition to using dumbbells, this exercise can also be performed with a barbell or EZ bar.
Updated: March 31th, 2015