For pre-designed ab workouts, view EMG’s Ab Workouts.
Hanging Leg Raises with Twist Description
Step 1. Hang from a bar or vertical chair with your legs fully extended and hands a little wider than shoulder-width.
Step 2. Use your abdominal muscles to raise your knees in a crossing motion towards your left shoulder.
Step 3. Then, lower them back to the starting position. Repeat the movement to the opposite side for one full repetition.
The hanging leg raises with twist exercise is a more advanced variation on the standard hanging leg raises. This exercise works the obliques in addition to the lower abs. The lower abs are worked in the raising of the legs, and the twisting motion engages the oblique muscles. When performing this exercise, the user should concentrate on squeezing the oblique muscle at the top, almost as if it is an oblique crunch. Given the twisting motion, this exercise may be problematic for those with lower back problems. As with any variation of a hanging leg raise, it can be performed by hanging from a pull up bar, using ab straps, or in a captain’s chair.