Modified Knee Raise Video

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Modified Knee Raise Description

Step 1. Lie on your back with your knees bent so that your heels rest on the floor. Your hands may be on the floor or behind your head.

Step 2. From this position, use you lower abs to draw your knees to your chest.

Step 3. Then, lower your legs until your heels touch the floor. Repeat the motion.


The modified knee raise is a core exercise for strengthening the lower abs. The knee raise is usually performed with the hands on the floor to provide support throughout the exercise, but those who want to balance using only their core muscles may put their hands behind their head or neck. As with most core exercise, the knee raise should be performed slowly and deliberately. The user should concentrate on engaging the core throughout the whole motion. The bending of the knee allows the user to prevent any undo stretching in the hamstrings and low back. This is a safe exercise for those with back problems and may be a preferred alternative to the performing the exercise hanging.

Modified Knee Raise 1

Modified Knee Raise 2

Updated: April 11th, 2015