Tricep Pressdown: One Arm Reverse Exercise Guide & Video

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Watch One Arm Reverse Tricep Pressdown

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Step 1. Attach a handle to a high pulley.

Step 2. Use an underhand grip and pull the weight down until your arm is straight. Keep your elbow pressed to your side, so only your forearm is moving.

Step 3. Return to the starting position.


The one arm reverse tricep pressdown is a variation on one of the primary mass-building exercises for the triceps. Depending on the rep range, this exercise can be used to build strength or shape and develop the tricep. This exercise is performed by attaching a single handle to the cable pulley. Performing the exercise with a reverse grip allows the user to get a secondary forearm workout in addition to working the tricep. Working each arm independently assures that one arm does not outperform the other arm. Be sure to not lean too far over the bar when performing a tricep pressdown. This may allow you to do more weight, but it does so by using your body weight to help lower the bar. Standing upright keeps the exercise isolated in the triceps.

Reverse Grip Pressdown 1
Reverse Grip Pressdown 2

Updated: April 1st, 2015