Smith Machine Bench Press Exercise Guide & Video

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Watch Smith Machine Bench Press

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Step 1. Take the bar with a slightly wider than shoulder-width grip.

Step 2. Release the bar by pressing up slowly and twisting the bar towards you.

Step 3. Slowly lower the weight until it gently touches your chest.

Step 4. Then, press back up while exhaling.

Step 5. To re-rack the weight twist the bar forward at the top of the motion until it is secure.


The smith machine bench press is a variation on the bench press, the most basic and fundamental chest exercise. The smith machine bench press adds size and strength to the middle part of the chest. While the this exercise is most often performed with a slightly-wider-than-shoulder-width grip, it can be varied by changing the grip position. A wider grip will work the outer part of the middle chest and a closer grip will work the inner part of the middle chest. When using the smith machine bench press in your routine, pay attention to the grip being used and adjust it according to your fitness needs. Performing this exercise on the smith machine rather than a normal barbell, you do not have to worry about having a spotter and can often use larger amounts of weight because the machine keeps the bar from moving forward or back.

Smith Machine Bench Press 3
Smith Machine Bench Press 4

Updated: April 4th, 2015